Oct 13, 2023
A car's interior parts

Regular maintenance is crucial to keeping your Chevy running smoothly. One of the most important aspects of maintenance is getting an oil change. But how often should you visit your Chevy dealer for this service? Let’s explore the factors that determine the frequency of this service and provide you with practical tips for keeping your engine in top shape.

In the past, the general recommendation was to have this service done every 3,000 miles. However, advancements in oil and engine technology have significantly extended the interval between changing your oil for most vehicles. For Chevy owners, the frequency of this service depends on several factors.

Manufacturer’s Guidelines 

The first and most important source of information regarding the frequency of changing your oil is your Chevy vehicle’s owner’s manual. The manufacturer provides specific guidelines for your vehicle’s maintenance, including when to change the oil. Refer to this manual to determine the recommended interval for your Chevy.

Driving Conditions

Your driving habits and the conditions in which you operate your vehicle play a significant role in determining the frequency of changing your oil. If you engage in activities such as off-roading, commercial use, racing, or heavy towing, your engine will experience more strain, leading to faster oil degradation. In these cases, it’s best to consult with a certified Chevy service center to determine the optional interval for service for your specific conditions.

Oil Type

The type of oil used in your Chevy can also influence the frequency of changing your oil. Synthetic oil, known for its superior performance and longevity, generally allows for longer service intervals compared to conventional oil. However, it’s crucial to consult your owner’s manual to ensure you’re using the recommended oil type for your Chevy and changing it when it is necessary.

Old Engine Technology

Older vehicles with less advanced engine technology may still require you to change your oil more frequently. If you own a classic Chevy or an older model without an Oil Life Monitoring System (OLS), you might need to change your oil more often, such as every 3,000 miles or ​so.

The OLS monitors various factors to determine the best time to service your car. It takes into account engine temperature, driving habits, and climate conditions. It serves to help you maximize the life of your engine oil and reduce unnecessary waste. Your OLS will alert you with a “Change Engine Oil Soon” message on your dashboard when it’s time for service.

When it’s time to schedule service for your Chevy, stop by Mike Kelly Chevrolet for premier attendance to your vehicle. 

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